Marx in Soho and Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series

On Saturday, January 29th, at 7:00 pm, the University of Vermont's English Department sponsored a performance of the play Marx in Soho by Howard Zinn at the Music Recital Hall on the Redstone Campus. This special performance was held in honor of Will Miller, Vermont's widely-respected long-time activist, and launched a fund drive for the Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series.

For more on the Lecture Series and how you can contribute to this effort, please go here.

Ann and Will during Helen Scott's introduction at Marx in SoHo.

Ann, Helen Scott and Edna Lipsitt chatting after the play at UVM.

Brian Jones, actor in Marx in SoHo.

Brian Jones and Will after the show.

Ann and Mike Cassidy after the play.

Will, Matt Hannah, Antje Ricken, Mike Cassidy

Ann, Will, Sarah Norton, Helen Overeynder, Deb Stoleroff after the play.

Mike Cassidy and Will after the performance.

Sandra Limoge (hugging Will), Laura Crane, Matt Hannah and Antje Ricken

Lucy Nichol, Manuel O'Neill and Jay Moore chatting after the play.

Manuel O'Neill and Jay Moore

Peter Spitzform and Will chatting after the show.

Will, Mike Cassidy, Sarah Norton, Karl Novak, Debra Stoleroff, and Joseph Gainza.

Helen Scott, Will, and Brian Jones